1999 – 2006

  • Altclas J, Sinagra A, Jaimovich G, Salgueira C, Luna C, Requejo A, Milovic V, De Rissio AM, Feldman L, Riarte A. Reactivation of chronic Chagas’ disease following allogenic bone marrow transplantation and successful pre-emptive therapy with benznidazole. Tranpl Infectious Disease. 1999; 1: 135-137.
  • Bucio MI, Cabrera M, Segura EL, Zenteno E, Salazar-Schettino M. Identification of immunodominant antigens in Mexican strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. Immunol Invest. 1999; 28(4): 257-68.
  • Búa J, García GA, Galindo M, Galanti N. y Ruíz AM. Correlación entre el mapa transcripcional y el cariotipo. Caracterización molecular de un antígeno de superficie de la familia Tc13. Medicina (Buenos Aires.) 1999; 59(Supl.II): 11-17.
  • Calderón G, Pini N, Bolpe J, Levis S, Mills J, Segura E, Gutmann N, Cantoni G, Becker J, Fonollat a, Ripoll C, Bortman M, Benedetti, Sabattini M and Enria D., Hantavirus reservoir hosts associated with peridomestic habitats in Argentina, Emerging Infectious Diseases. 1999; 5: 792-797.
  • Cardoni RL, Antúnez MI y Abrami AA. La respuesta TH1 en la infección experimental con T. cruzi. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59 (Supl II): 84-90.
  • De Rissio AM. “Infección por Trypanosoma cruzi – Tamizaje en Bancos de Sangre. “Diagnóstico de Infección por Trypanosoma cruzi-Normativas”. Cuadernillo del Programa de Educación a Distancia en Sangre y Componentes de la Sangre Seguros. Asociación Argentina de Hemoterapia e Inmunohematología AAHI. Inegrantes del Programa AAHI, Ministerio de Salud, ANLIS, OPS/OMS. Septiembre de 1999;  Capítulo 2.
  • Freilij H; Mariani G; De Rissio AM; Alvarez M; Riarte A; Higa M; Pennisi A; Bulstein D; Ortiz de Zárate M; Angel S; Guarnera E; Fritsches C; Hirt J. Coordinadores : Altcheh J y Moreno R. “Consenso de Infecciones Perinatales” – Infecciones Perinatales Parasitarias Toxoplasmosis y Chagas. Revista Archivos Argentinos de Pediatría. 1999; Vol 97 Nº 3 : 178-187.
  • Okuda K, Esteva M, Segura EL, Bijovsky AT. The cytostome of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes is associated to the flagellar complex. Exp. Parasitol. 1999; 92: 223-231.
  • Blanco SB, Segura EL, Gürtler RE, El control de la transmisión congénita de Trypanosoma cruzi en la Argentina. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59 (Supl. II): 138-142.
  • Laucella, SA, Segura EL, Riarte A, Sosa Estani S. Soluble platelet selectin (sP-selectin) and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) decrease during therapy with benznidazole in children with indeterminate form of Chagas’ disease. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 1999; 118: 423-427.
  • Postan M, Arnaiz M y Fichera L. Respuesta de células musculares cardíacas a la infección experimental por T. cruzi. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59 (Supl II):57-62.
  • Riarte A, Luna C, Sabatiello R, Sinagra A, Schíavelli R, De Rissio AM, Maiolo E, Martín Garcia M, Jacob N, Pattin M, Lauricella M, Segura EL & Vázquez M. Chagas disease in patients with kídney transpiants: a 7 years of experience, 1989-1996. Clin & lnf Dis. 1999; 29(3): 561-7.
  • Sterin-Borda L, Gorelic G, Postan M. Gonzalez Cappa SM, Borda E. Alterations in cardiac beta-adrenergic receptors in chagasic mice and their association with circulating beta-adrenoreceptor-related autoantibodies. Cardiovascular Research, 1999; 41:116-125.
  • Segura EL. et al. Control de la transmisión de Trypanosoma cruzi en la Argentina. Medicina (Buenos Aires) 1999; 59 (Supl.II): 91-96.
  • Sosa Estani S, Segura EL. Treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in the undetermined phase. Experience and current guidelines of treatment in Argentina. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 1999; Sep; 94 Suppl 1: 363-365.
  • Segura EL, Sosa Estani S, Esquivel ML, Gómez A, Salomón OD y Grupo de Desarrollo y Aplicación Operativa,  Control de la Transmisión de Trypanosoma cruzi en la Argentina 1999. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59(Supl II): 91-96.
  • Sosa Estani S y Segura EL.  Tratamiento de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en fase indeterminada.  Experiencia y normatización actual en la Argentina. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59 (Supl. II): 166-170.
  • Segura EL. Reforzamiento de los laboratorios de Salud y su integración en Redes de Laboratorios de salud de la Argentina, 1999. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 1999; 59 (Supl. III): 2-6.
  • Blanco SB, Segura EL, Cura EN, Chuit R.,  Tulian L, Flores I, Garbarino G, Villalonga JF, Gurtler RE. Congenital transmisión of Trypanosoma cruzi an operational outline for detecting and treating infecyed infants in northwestern Argentina. Trop. Med. and Int. Health.2000; 5(4): 293-301.
  • Sequeira A, Molina V, Monfellano M, Bolpe J, Guarnera E. Genetic diver sity among isolates of Trichinella spiralis from the province of Buenos Aires (Argentine) assessed through RAPDs. Journal of Helmintology. 2000; 74: 277-282.
  • Pszenny V, Angel SO, Duschak VG, Paulino M, Ledesma V, Yabo MI, Guarnera E, Ruiz AM, Bontempi EJ. Molecular cloning, sequencing and expression of a serine proteinase inhibitor gene from Toxoplasma gondii. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 2000; 107: 241-249.
  • Antunez MI, Cardoni RL. IL-12 and IFNg production, and NK cell activity, in acute and chronic experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infections. Inmunol Letters. 2000; 71: 103-109.
  • Kamenetzky L, Canova SG, Guarnera E, and Rosenzvit MC. Echinococcus granulosus: DNA extraction from germinal layers allows strain determination in fertile and nonfertile hydatid cysts. Exp.Parasitol. 2000; 95: 122-127.
  • Rojas PA, Martin V, Nigro M, Echeverría PC, Guarnera E, Pszenny V, Angel S. Expression of a DNA encoding a Toxoplasma gondii protein belonging to the heat-shock 90 family and analysis of its antigenicity. Microbiology Letters. 2000; 190: 209-213.
  • Padula PJ, Rossi CM, Della Valle MO, Martinez PV, Colavecchia SB, Edelstein A,Miguel SD, Rabinovich RD, Segura EL.   Development and evaluation of a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay based on Andes hantavirus recombinant nucleoprotein. J Med Microbiol. 2000; 49(2); 149-55.
  • Bontempi EJ, García GA, Buschiazzo A, Henriksson J, Ruiz AM, Pettersson U, Pszenny V.The tyrosine aminotransferase from Trypanosomarangeli: sequence and genomic characterization. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2000; 189: 253-257.
  • Gaddi E, Laucella SA, Balbaryski J, Cantisano C, Barboni G, Candi M, Giraudi V. Prognositic value od soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (s-ICAM-1) in HIV-infected children. Scand. J. Immunol. 2000; 52: 1-8.
  • Segura EL, Juan N,Piquin ALM, Cuba Cuba CA, Abramo Orrego L, Mc Mahon-Pratt D, Montamat EE, Hooman Momen, Grimaldi G Jr., Molecular and Biological Characterization of Leishmania parasites implicated in an epidemic outbreak in northwestern Argentina. Parasitol Res.2000; 86: 504-8.
  • Segura EL, Cura E, Sosa Estani S, Andrade J, Lansetti JC, De Rissio AM, Campanini A, Blanco S, Gurtler E, Alvarez M. Long–Term effects of a nationwide control program on the seropositivity for Trypanosoma cruzi infection in young men from Argentina, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2000; 62(3): 353-362.
  • Sosa-Estani S, Segura EL, Salomon OD, Gomez A, Peralta M, Coutada V, Ruiz LM. Tegumentary leishmaniasis in Northern Argentina: distribution of infection and disease, in three municipalities of Salta, 1990-1992. Rev. Soc. Brasileira. Med. Trop. 2000; 33(6): 573-82.
  • Schmunis GA, Zicker F, Segura EL, del Pozo AE. Transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases in Argentina, 1995 through 1997. Transfusion. 2000; 40 (9): 1048-53.
  • Sosa-Estani S, Salomon OD, Gomez AO, Esquivel ML, Segura EL. Regional differences and Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Cad Saude Publica. 2000; 17 Suppl:47-57.
  • Guarnera E, Santillán G, Botinelli R, Franco A. Canine Echinococcosis: an alternative for surveillance epidemiology. Veterinary Parasitology. 2000; 88:131-134.
  • Carnevale S, Velásquez JN, Labbé JH, Chertcoff A, Cabrera M and Rodríguez MI. Diagnosis of Enterocytozoon bieneusi by PCR in Stool Samples Eluted from Filter Paper Disk. C. Diagn. Lab. Inmunol. 2000; 7, (3):504-506.
  • Velásquez JN, Carnevale S, Bessaso H, Bramajo J, Kuo L, Fainboim H. Identificación de Enterocytozoon bieneusi en un paciente con colangitis esclerosante y SIDA. A. Ge. La. 2000; 30:47-51
  • Olivares M, Thomas MC, López-Barajas A, Requena JM, García-Pérez JL, Ángel SO, Alonso C and López MC. Genomic clustering of the Trypanosoma cruzi non-long terminal L1Tc retrotransposon with defined interspersed repeated DNA elements. Electrophoresis. 2000; 14:2973-2982.
  • Echeverría P, Rojas PA, Martín V, Guarnera EA, Pszenny V and Ángel SO. Characterization of an interspersed  Toxoplasma gondii DNA repeat with potential uses for PCR diagnosis and PCR-RFLP analysis. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2000; 184:23-27.
  • SequeiraA, MolinaV, Monfellano M, Bolpe J, Guarnera E. Genetic diversity among isolates of Trichinella spiralis from the Province of  Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of  Helminthology. 2000; 74:277-282.
  • Ribicich M, Rosa A, Molina V, Blangiardi G, Basso N, Franco A. Comparación etre la digestión artificial y la Triquinoscopía para la detección de Trichinella spiralis en carne porcina. In Vet; 2000 2:81-85.
  • Radman N, Guardis M, Schamun A, Testi A, Archelli S, Fonrouge R, Santillán G. Toxocariosis neurológica: descripción de un caso clínico. Revista Chilena de Neuropsiquiatría. 2000; (3)
  • Velásquez JN, Oelemann W, Carnevale S, Bessaso H, Etchart C, Cabrera MG, Pinto ME, Labbé JH, Kuo LH, Peralta JM. Tripanosoma cruzi en SIDA: Localización gastrointestinal y mecanismos alternativos de transmisión. Revista del Hospital Nacional Baldomero Sommer. 2000; 3:7-18.
  • Ribicich M, Gamble RG, Santillán G, Miguez M, Molina V, Guarnera E, Basso N, Franco A. Evaluation of ELISA test for diagnosis of porcine Trichienllosis. The Pig Journal. 2000; (46).
  • Echeverría P, Dran G, Pereda G, Rico AI, Requena JM, Alonso C, Guarnera E and Angel SO. Analysis of the adjuvant effect of recombinant Leishmania infantum Hsp83 protein as a tool for vaccination. Immun.letters. 2001; 76:107-110.
  • Búa J, Aslun L, Pereyra N, García GA, Bontempi EJ, Ruiz AM. Characterisation of a cyclophilin isoform in Trypanosoma cruzi. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2001; 200 (1): 43-47.
  • Laucella SA, Riarte A, Prado N, Zapata J, Segura EL. Alpha 4 Integrins and Sialyl Lewis x Modulation in Chronic Chagas Disease; Further Evidence of Persistent Immune Activation. Scand. J. of Immunology.2001; 53 (5): 514-519.
  • Chuit R, Gürtler RE, Mac Dougall L, Segura EL, Singer B, Chagas Disease- Risk assessment by an environmental approach in northern Argentina. Revista de Patologia Tropical. 2001; 30 (2): 193-207.
  • Antúnez MI, Cardoni RL. Early IFN-gamma production is related to the presence of interleukin (IL)-18 and the absence of IL-13 in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infections. Immunol Lett. 2001; 79(3): 189-196.
  • Duschak VG, Riarte A, Segura EL, Laucella SA. Humoral Immune Response to Cruzipain and Cardiac Dysfunction in Chronic Chagas Disease. Immunol. Lett. 2001; 78: 135-142.
  • Segura EL: Diagnostico de la enfermedad de Chagas. En D Hayes, MC Tentory y EL Segura, Eds “La arritmia cardíaca de orígen chagásico”, 2001.
  • Segura, EL.  A National Strategy for Emerging Infectious Diseases:  The Argentine Case of 1999  en Emerging Infectious Disease from the Global to the Local Perspective, JR Davis and J. Lederberg, IOM, NAS. 2001.
  • Carnevale S; Rodriguez MI, Santillán G, Labbé JH, Cabrera MG, Bellegarde EJ, Velázquez J, Trgovcic JE, Guarnera EA. Inmunodiagnosis of human fasciolasis by enzyme-linked inmunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Micro-ELISA. Clin Diagn. Lab. Inmunol. 2001; 8:174-177.
  • Velázquez JN, Carnevale S, Monano M, Kuo LH, Caballero A, Chertcoff A, Ibáñez C, Bozzini JP. Isosporiosis and unizoite tissue cysts in patients with Acquired Inmunodeficiency Syndrome. Human Parasitology. 2001; 32:500-505.
  • Carnevale S, Rodríguez MI, Guarnera EA, Carmona C, Tanos T, Ángel SO. Inmunodiagnosis of fasciolosis using recombinant pro cathepsin L cystein proteinase. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infections Diseases. 2001; 41:43-49.
  • Guida MC, Esteva MI, Martino V, Pereira CA, Alonso GD, Torres HN, Flawiá MM d Paveto MC. Characterization of natural compouns with trypanocidal effect. BIOCELL. 2001; 25 (Supl. II).
  • Rosenzvit MC, Canova SG, Kamenetzky L, Guarneera EA. Echinococcus granulosus: intraspecific genetic variation assessed by a DNA repetitive element. Parasitology. 2001; 381-388.
  • Canova SG, Guarnera EA, Rosenzvit MC, Kamenetzky L. Echinococcus granulosus: DNA extraction from germinal layers allows strain determination in fertile and nonfertile hydatid cyst. Experimental Parasitology. 2001; 95:122-127.
  • Nigro M, Martín V, Kaufer F, Carral L, Ángel SO, Pszenny V. High level expression of the Toxoplasma gondii-recombinant Rop2 protein in Escherichia coli as a soluble form for optimal use in diagnosis. Molecular Biotechnology. 2001; 18:269-273.
  • Arnaiz MR, Fichera L, Postan M. Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in wistar rats infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. J. Parasitol. 2002; 88 (5): 919- 925.
  • Esteva MI, Ruiz AM, Stoka AM. Trypanosoma cruzi: methoprene is a potent agent to sterilize blood infected with trypomastigotes. Experimental Parasitology. 2002; 100: 248-251.
  • Pzsenny V, Ledesma BE, Matrajt M, Duschak VG, Bontempi E, Dubremetz JFand Angel S. Subcellular localization and post-secretory targeting of TgPI, a serine proteinase inhibitor from Toxoplasma gondii Mol. and Biochem. Parasitol. 2002; 121 (2): 283-286.
  • Sosa-Estani S, Martinez VP, Gonzalez Della Valle M, Edelstein A, Miguel S, Padula PJ, Cacase ML, Segura EL.  Hantavirus in human and rodent population in an endemic area for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Argentina. Medicina (B Aires). 2002; 62 (1): 1-8.
  • Segura E.L, Sosa Estani S, Esquivel ML, Salomón, OD, Gómez AO, De Rissio AM, Carlomagno MA, Riarte A, Sínagra A, Luna CA, Lanssetti, JC. Control de la Transmisión de T. cruzi en Argentina,  En “Actualizaciones en Artropodología Sanitaria argentina”, compilador OD Salomón, Serie Enfermedades Transmisibles, Publicaciones Monográficas 2, Fundación Mundo Sano, 2002.
  • Segura E. L. Situación del Control de la enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina, 1909-2001 (Caapitulo2), en AC Silveira ED.“Historia del Control de la Transmisión de T. cruzi en el Cono Sur de América”, Organización Panamericana de la Salud. 2002.
  • Joensen L, Borda E, Trudy Kohout, Perry S, García G, Sterin-BordaL. Trypanosoma cruzi antigen that interacts with the b1-adrenergic receptor and modifies myocardial contractile activity. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 2003; 127: 169-177.
  • García GA, Joensen GL, Bua J, Ainciart N, Perry S and Ruiz AM. Trypanosoma cruzi: Molecular identification and characterization of new members of the Tc13 family. Description of the interaction between the Tc13 antigen from Tulahuén strain and the second extracellular loop of the b1-adrenergic receptor. Exp. Parasitol. 2003; 103: 112-119.
  • Minning TA, Bua J, García GA,. McGraw RA and Tarleton RL Microarray profiling of gene expression during trypomastigote to amastigote transition in Trypanosoma cruzi. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 2003; 131 (1): 55-64.
  • Barboza M, Duschak VG, Cazzulo JJ, De Lederkremer RM.Presence of sialic acid in N-linked oligosaccharide chains and O-linked N-acetylglucosamine in cruzipain, the major cysteine proteinase of Trypanosoma cruzi.Mol. Biochem Parasitol.2003; Vol 127 (1): 69-72.
  • Duschak VG, Barboza M. and Couto AS. Trypanosoma cruzi: partial characterization of minor cruzipain isoforms non-adsorbed to Concanavalin A-Sepharose. Exp Parasitol. 2003; Vol 104 (3-4): 122-30.
  • Gurtler RE, Segura EL, Cohen JE. Congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Argentina. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003; 9(1): 29-32.
  • Garcia BA, Manfredi C, Fichera L, Segura EL.  Short report: variation in mitochondrial 12S and 16S ribosomal DNA sequences in natural populations of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003; 68 (6): 692-4.
  • Sterim-Borda L, Giordanengo L, Joensen L, Gea S. Cruzipain induces autoantibodies against cardiac muscarinic acethylcholine receptors. Funtional and pathological implications. Europ Jour of Immunology. 2003; 33(9): 2459-2468.
  • Segura EL. Mitos y realidades de la utilización de sangre segura para las transfusiones (Enfermedad de Chagas), Gac Méd Méx. 2003 MG; Vol.139, Supl. No. 3, 75-9.
  • Alaniz L, García M, Cabrera P, Arnaiz M, Cavaliere V, Blanco G, Alvarez E, Hajos S. Modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity by hyaluronan is depend on NF-kB activity in lymphoma cells lines with dessimilar invasive behavior. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004; 324(2): 736-743.
  • Antúnez MI y Cardoni RL. Trypanosoma cruzi: the expantion of NK, T and NKT cells in the experimental infections. Exp Parasitol. 2004; 106: 85-94.
  • Bruno S, Duschak VG, Ledesma B, Ferella M, Björn Andersson, Guarnera AG. and Angel SO. Identification and characterization of serine proteinase  inhibitors from Neospora caninum. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2004; 136(1): 101-7.
  • Búa J, Ruiz A.M., Potenza M and Fichera L. In vitro anti-parasitic activity of Cyclosporin A analogs on Trypanosoma cruzi. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2004; 14(18): 4633-7.
  • Cardoni RL,García MM, De Rissio AM. Proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in pregnant women chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Acta Trop. 2004; 90(1): 65-72.
  • Cardoni RL y Antúnez MI. Circulating levels of cyclooxygenase metabolites in experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infections. Mediators Inflamm. 2004; 13(4): 235-40.
  • Cardoni RL y Antúnez MI. Outcome of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in pregnant BALB/c mice. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2004; 98(8): 883-7.
  • Ferraris JR, Duca P, Prigoshin N, Tambutti ML, Boldrini G, Cardoni RL and D`Agostino D. Mycophenolate mofetil and reduced doses of cyclosporine in pediatric liver transplantation with chronic renal dysfunction: changes in the immune responses.Pediatr Transplant. 2004; 8(5): 454-9.
  • Ferraris JR, Tambutti ML, Cardoni R. and Prigoshin N. Conversion from cyclosporine A to tacrolimus in pediatric kidney transplant recipients with chronic rejection: changes in the immune responses.Transplantation. 2004; 77(4): 532-7.
  • García AB, Zheng L, Pérez de Rosas AR, and Segura EL, Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the chagas’ disease vector Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Molecular Ecology Notes. 2004; Vol. 4 Issue 4: 568.
  • Sosa Estani S, Armenti A, Araujo G, Viotti R, Lococo B, Ruiz Vera B, Vigliano C, De Rissio AM, Segura EL. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas con Benznidazol y ácido tióctico. Medicina (Buenos Aires) 2004; 64:1-6.
  • Fichera LE, Albareda MC, Laucella S, Postan M. Intracellular growth of Trypanosoma cruzi in cardiac myocytes is inhibited by cytokine-induced NO release. Infection and Immunity. 2004; Vol. 72: 359-363.
  • Ghedin E, Bringaud F, Peterson J, Myler P, Berriman M, Ivenz A, Andersson B, Bontempi EJ, Eisen J, Angiuoli S, Wanless D, Von Arx A, Murphy L, Lennard N, Salzberg S, Adams. MD, White O, Hall N, Stuart K, Fraser CM, El-Sayed NMA. Gene synteny and evolution of genome architecture in trypanosomatids. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 2004; 134: 183-191.
  • Laucella SA, Postan M, Martín D, Hubby Fralish B, Albareda MC, Alvarez MG, Lococo B, Barbieri G, Viotti RJ, Tarleton RL. Frequency of interferon- gamma -producing T cells specific for Trypanosoma cruzi inversely correlates with disease severity in chronic human Chagas disease. J Infect Dis. 2004; 189(5): 909-18.
  • Paveto C, Guida MC, Esteva MI, Martino V, Coussio J, Flawiá MM and Torres HN. Anti- Trypanosoma cruzi activity of green tea (Camellia sinensis) cathechins. Antimicrob. Agent Chemother. 2004; 48(1): 69-74.
  • Viotti RJ, Vigliano C, Laucella S, Lococo B, Petti M, Bertocchi G, Ruiz Vera B, Armenti H. Value of echocardiography for diagnosis and prognosis of chronic Chagas disease cardiommyopathy without heart failure. Heart. 2004; 90: 655-660.
  • Gürtler RE, Canale DM, Spillmann C, Stariolo R, Salomon OD, Blanco S, Segura EL, Effectiveness of residual spraying of peridomestic ecotopes with deltamethrin and permethrin on Triatoma infestans in rural western Argentina: a district-wide randomized trial. Bull World Health Organ. 2004; 82(3): 196-205.
  • Ruiz AM, Bua J y Garcia GA. La Enfermedad de Chagas. En Parasitosis Regionales, Ed Costamagna SR. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blaca, Argentina. 2004; Pag: 23-71
  • Esteva MI, Maidana C, Sinagra A, Luna C, Ruiz AM and Stoka AM. Effect of a juvenile hormone analogue on Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania braziliensis. Exp Parasitol. 2005; 110(2):162-164.
  • Cardoni RL, Prigoshin N, Tambutti ML, Ferraris JR. Citoquinas reguladoras de la respuesta al trasplante renal alogénico. Medicina (Buenos Aires). 2005; 65: 54-62.
  • Gürtler R, Cecere MC, Lauricella M, Petersen, Chuit R, Segura El and Cohen J. Incidence of Trypanosoma cruzi ifection among children following domestic reinfestation after insecticide spraying in rural northwestern Argentina. The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2005; 73(1): 95-103.
  • Lauricella MA, Stariolo RL, Riarte AR, Segura EL, Gürtler RE. Distributión and Pathogenicity of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from peridomestic populations of triatoma infestans and triatoma guasayana from rural western Argentina. Mem. Inst.Oswaldo Cruz. 2005; Vol. 100: 123-129.
  • Altclas J, Sinagra A, Dictar M, Luna C, Verón M, De Rissio AM, García MM, Salgueira C. and Riarte A. Chagas’ disease in bone marrow transplantation: an approach to preemptive therapy. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2005; 36: 123-129.
  • Barcán L, Luna C, Clara L, Sinagra A, Valledor A, De Rissio AM, Gadonoa A, García MMC, de Santi Bañez E, Riarte A. Transmission of T. cruzi infection via liver transplantation to a nonreactive recipient for Chagas’ Disease. Liver Transplantation. 2005; Vol 11(9): 1112-1116.
  • Esteva MI, Kettler K, Maidana C, Fichera L, Ruiz AM, Bontempi EJ, Andersson B, Dahse HM, Haebel P, Ortmann R, Klebe G, Schlitzer M. Benzophenone-Based Farnesyltransferase Inhibitors with High Activity against Trypanosoma cruzi. JMed Chem. 2005; 48(23):7186-7191.
  • Segura EL, Escobar-Mesa A; Grupo de Estudio sobre la Enfermedad de Chagas. Epidemiology of Chagas disease in the state of Veracruz Salud Publica Mex. 2005; 47 (3): 201-8.
  • Irañeta SG, Seoane MA, Apicella C, Alonso A and Duschak VG. Antigenicity and immunocross-reactivity of orange tree pollen and orange fruit allergenic extracts. Allergy and Immunology. 2005; 137(4): 265-72.
  • Duschak VG, Barboza M, Garcia GA, Lammel EM, Couto AS, Isola EL. Novel cysteine proteinase in Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclogenesis. Parasitology. 2005; 21: 1-11.
  • Barboza M, Duschak VG, Fukuyama Yuko, Hiroshi Nonami, R. Erra-Balsells, Cazzulo JJ and Couto A. Structural analysis of the N-glycans of the major cysteine proteinase of Trypanosoma cruzi. Identification of sulfated high-mannose type oligosaccharides. FEBS J. 2005; 272(15): 3803-15.
  • Puyó AM, Scaglione J, Cavallero S, Postan M. & Fernandez BE. Natriuretic peptides as prognostic and diagnostic markers in Chagas’ disease. Regul Pept. 2005; 128(3): 203-10.
  • El-Sayed NM, Myler PJ, Bartholomeu DC, Nilsson D, Aggarwal G, Tran AN, Ghedin E, Worthey EA, Delcher AL, Blandin G, Westenberger SJ, Caler E, Cerqueira GC, Branche C, Haas B, Anupama A, Arner E, Aslund L, Attipoe P, Bontempi E, et al. The genome sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of Chagas disease. Science. 2005; 309(5733): 409-415.
  • Garcia GA, Arnaiz MR, Laucella SA, Esteva MI, Ainciart N, Riarte A, Garavaglia PA, Fichera LE, Ruiz AM. Immunological and pathological responses in BALB/c mice induced by genetic administration of Tc 13 Tul antigen of Trypanosoma cruzi. Parasitology. 2006; 132(6): 855-866.
  • Potenza M, Galat A, Minning TA, Ruiz AM, Duran R, Tarleton RL, Marín M, Fichera L y Búa J. Análisis of the Tripanosoma cruzi cyclophilin gene family and identification of cyclosporin A binding proteins. Parasitology. 2006; 132: 867-882.
  • Viotti R, MD; Vigliano C, MD; Lococo B, MD; Bertocchi G, MD; Petti M, MD; Alvarez MG, MD; Postan M, MD, PhD; and Armenti A, MD. Long-Term carric outcomes of treating chronic Chagas disease with benznidazole versus no treatment. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2006; 144 (10): 724-774.
  • Cianciulli TF, Lax  JA, Sacheri MC, Papantoniou A, Morita LA, Prado NG,  Dorelle AN, Riarte AR, Prezioso HA. Early detection of left  ventricular diastolic dysfunction in Chagas´disease. Cardiovascular Ultrasound. 2006; 4-18
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